I recently had a consumer ask me if I could justify his credit score. I must say, this was the first time I ever heard of such a question. After thinking of his question for a few moments, I understood that he was really asking if his credit score could be proven.
A credit score is always accurate. Many consumers don’t understand how credit scoring works. A credit score only scores that data or information reporting on your credit report at any given time. A credit score does not verify the information on the report, it only scores it. So if this consumer has an accurate credit report, his score would be justified.
A better question is what if you have inaccurate credit reporting, would the score be right?
To my previous point, the score would be correct based on the data reporting. If the data is wrong, the score will not take the wrong data into consideration. The data must be corrected and; if and when it is, the score will adjust accordingly. The Fair Credit Reporting Act provides information on how Credit Reporting Agencies and data furnishers handle disputes. It is wise to make sure your credit date is 100% accurate at all times.